Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I know, I know... I haven't gotten around to posting all the fun pictures and stories from our trip to North Carolina. For good reason though. I am still overwhelmed with all the stuff I left undone and all the new stuff that needs to be done on top of that! We had such a lovely time with my sister, but since we've been back I haven't been able to recover from the traveling..neither has Charlie.

Charlie has had the sniffles, I have school, work, and my eye exercises to deal with. Dhs is also a pain in the rear! Add legal matters to all that and that's my daily life right now. Someday though...I promise I will share the fun pictures and stories.

Since I haven't posted in a while, I felt kind of guilty that some of you haven't gotten to see how much he's grown! Also, as my sister pointed out, Charlie always makes the same expression in all his pictures. That is sad because he makes so many fun expressions I have many a time tried to capture.

I did manage to capture his mommy smile that I wanted to share with all of you right away, so you know what I'm talking about!!!

so here he is almost 3mo. old!!!

I am aware it's a strange angle but, he is to mesmerized by the camera if I hold it in front of him!
I caught the mommy smile, and that's all that matters!

I am so worn out so I must bid you all adu!

More later, I swear!



Susana la Banana said...

What new pic??? This one is already 2 days old, woman! Post more!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha....I am agreeing with the above post, woman! LOL Just kidding...Thanks for the giggle picture! He is a doll! Can't wait to see him again!
Love ya,