Other things that Charlie has been doing that I've mentioned is eating. I am in the process of trying to catch the face he makes every time he takes his first bite. I already have lots of pictures of when he gets into mealtime and loves to have a good time with it!!
Exibit A. CARROT FACE...
Exibit B. Carrot face in action..(that's actually remains of a teething biscuit on his face in this pic)
I don't know if you all know but, because Charlie is my son, he has a natural mohawk! We have just recently started to experiment with this so I will soon start posting more visible "cool hawk kid" pics but for now here's the best I could get....
btw, My camera is pretty stupid, first it did that whole blurry thing for a while (thanks to my friend Lyndee, I know how to fix that) and now it's doing that weird 'wrong date at the bottom of the picture' thing. My apologies for that.
Anyway that's all I could scrounge up tonight so sweet dreams everyone!
Love till next post,